Special Education Learning Management System
Streamline your teaching workflow with the first and only LMS for special education.
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A Learning Platform
for Special Education
Instructors & Students
Ph.D. Designed & Tested
by a team of industry experts who understand the intricacies of special education.
Engage & Motivate
Capture your student’s attention with an easy to use interface.
Track Student Progress
Measure comprehension and engagement on the student and classroom level.
Create IEP Plans
Customize existing plans or build from scratch to meet an individual’s unique needs and goals.
Transitions Curriculum Compatible
Assign worksheets from the #1 transitions curriculum in the country to teach skills for personal, life, and career management.
Communicate Directly
Message students or the entire class through our secure portal.
Why other people love
to use our product
Change the way you teach...
...to transform the way students learn
with Stanfield.
The Stanfield Learning Management System is the first and only platform of its kind, connecting Special Education instructors and students with a technology that boosts engagement, comprehension, and success while minimizing disruptions.
Never before has it been possible to lead SpEd students through a curriculum plan with the assistance of a technology platform designed specifically to accommodate a wide range of student capabilities and disabilities. For over 40 years, we’ve been producing award-winning programs to promote Social Competence and Transition Readiness, and we’re so excited to share this exciting new platform with you. While there will be many more features to come, the Stanfield LMS currently offers the ability to:
- Manage your entire classroom. Add and remove students as necessary.
- Assign worksheets from the proven effective Transitions Curriculum.
- Send unique lessons to individual students.
- Review activities and completed activities.
- Track student progress throughout the institution year.
- Measure comprehension and engagement on a student and classroom level.
- Group students of similar proficiencies for individualized learning.
- Follow IEP plans in our system, customize, or build your own from scratch.
- Communicate with students, their guardians, or the entire class through our secure portal.
Beehive is free to use!
Sign up unlimited instructors and unlimted students FOR FREE
Each purchase of a Stanfield product comes with 1 lifetime user license for 1 instructor and unlimited students.